Monstera obliqua

Er der nogen som kan undvære en stikling eller som har set et . Monstera obliqua - Swiss cheese plant, de er i familie med Araceae. De vil gerne stå lyst, men ikke i direkte sol.

Køb og salg af Monstera i Planter på DBA. Stueplante, Monstera Obliqua, retroplante, besøg Facebook-gruppen der hedder Retroplanter. Monstera Obliqua “Swiss Cheese Vine” easy to grow in bright indirect light and good soil.

Can be allowed to trail like this, or grown up on a post or trellis. The less often seen “other Monstera”, Obliqua has an unmistakably bizarre leaf form. Natural holes appear almost immediately- the leaves are on average about . Monstera obliqua, aka Swiss Cheese Plant is an easy-to-grow houseplant whose leaves have natural holes.

Ships in a nursery pot with clip-on hanger. I have a large Monstera Obliqua and it seems to be rather large to me. It is very healthy and I'm wondering if I could split it into or separate . I am looking for some help with my Monstera Obliqua. It seams to be growing well (putting out new leaves) but the older leaves don't look as .

Er Monstera Obliqua en plante man kan købe hos jer? The Monstera obliqua is an easy-care plant for home or office. It thrives in the sun or half shadow, but bright, direct sunlight must be avoided.

Monstera obliqua, Monstera friedrichsthalii. Family: Araceae Monstera, Window Leaf, Swiss Cheese Philodendron Origin: Brazil vine or creeper shade . Monstera is a genus of about species of flowering plants in the arum family, Araceae, native. Madison; Monstera membranacea Madison; Monstera minima Madison; Monstera molinae Croat Grayum; Monstera obliqua Miq.

Monstera obliqua has an unmistakably bizarre leaf form with natural holes. It prefers bright light to partial sun with humidity and rich organic soil. The Monstera genus contains species (according to ) and a number of. Monstera obliqua (aka Monstera friedrichstahlii).

Plant Morphology : Foliage: Leaves are green with entire leaf margin and long petiole (– cm long).


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